Plan miasta Kritu Terra

Kritu Terra - Najnowsze wiadomości:

The future of GIMP's User Interface ? News ?

This year Peter Sikking and Michael Terry had a talk mainly about the UI of GIMP. Peter Sikking, also one of the maintainers of the GIMP UI Brainstorm Blog, talks about different possibilities for a future UI of GIMP. .... I hate MDI apps with a passion due to the amount of real estate they waste & the fact only one document is visible at a time unless you have the option to split the window (e.g. Visual Studio, not ideal) so GIMP's multiple windows is a breath of fresh ...
źródło: BlogSearch

The future of GIMP's User Interface ? News ?

This year Peter Sikking and Michael Terry had a talk mainly about the UI of GIMP. Peter Sikking, also one of the maintainers of the GIMP UI Brainstorm Blog, talks about different possibilities for a future UI of GIMP. .... I hate MDI apps with a passion due to the amount of real estate they waste & the fact only one document is visible at a time unless you have the option to split the window (e.g. Visual Studio, not ideal) so GIMP's multiple windows is a breath of fresh ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Aryan Futurism: Moscow Declaration/ Pavel Tulaev speech

Pierre Vial (France), "Terre et Peuple" Guillaume Faye (France) Jan-Ber Tillenon (Breizh) Pierre Krebs (Germany), "Thule-Seminar" Constantin von Hoffmeister (Germany) Enrique Ravello (Spain), "Tierra y Pueblo" Eleftherios Ballas (Greece), " ARMA" ... Some thinkers call it the Krita Yuga, post-Christian era, New Age or New Renaissance. We live in a wondering new world with new laws, lies and ideas. Every day, we are facing the challenges of the 21st century. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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